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1. POC List 2. Policies/References a. MCIEAST Policy Statement on Environmental Management b. Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Minimization Policy Template c. Reference List 3. Plans/Procedures a. ESOPs b. Environmental Associated Site List c. Location Map d. ULCP (Template) e. Environmental Management System (EMS) Poster f. Evacuation/Staging Route Map g. Hazardous Waste Management Plan (If Applicable) 4. Appointment Letters a. Appointment Letter Templates (ESOPs 4.1-4.7) 5. Training Records (Current/Archived) a. Environmental Personnel Training Record Form 6. Unit AUL a. AUL Add Form b. Shelf-Life/Label Request 7. HW Site Information a. Site Authorization Letter b. Profile Sheets (If Applicable) 8. Inspection Reports a. Quarterly ECO Checklist b. Monthly ECC Inspection c. Copies of Semi-Annual Environmental Compliance Evaluations (ECEs) (1) Corrective Action Plans for corresponding ECEs if applicable d. OWS Daily Inspection Form e. Monthly SAA Inspection Form f. Weekly/Monthly Storage Tank Checklist g. Daily AST/Container Storage Log – Field Use h. Drum Site Inspection Checklist 9. Turn-In Documents (52 Weeks) a. HM/HW Turn-In Document b. MW Turn-In Log 10. Spill Reporting Forms