prescribeD burn: February 4, 2025

Forest Protection will be conducting a prescribed burn in the "KB" Training Area on February 4, 2025.
*Be alert for warning signs near prescribed burn areas.
*Drifting smoke is possible
*Use headlights and proceed with caution when driving through drift smoke
All prescribed burns, conducted by the Camp Lejeune Forestry Division, are coordinated with the District 4 office of the North Carolina Forest Service in New Bern.
Information. The Camp Lejeune Forestry Division schedules over 20,000 acres of prescribed burning annually. Those burns normally begin in January of each year and are completed by August. There are two seasons of burning time, dormant season and growing season. Dormant season burning is accomplished between January and the first couple of weeks of March. Dormant season burning is primarily used to maintain training ranges, reduce forest fuel loads, enhance wildlife habitat and maintain threatened and endangered species habitat. Depending on the weather, growing season burns are normally conducted between June and August. These burns are very effective at restoring native ecosystems, enhancing the herbaceous layer and improving wildlife habitat.
For more information, please call the Marine Corps Liaison for Government and External Affairs at (910) 451-7645.