
Trusted Traveler Program





On any given day, the Provost Marshal’s office routinely sees a significant number of visitors accessing installations as part of the Trusted Traveler Program.

MCIEAST Installations use the Trusted Traveler Program as one method to sponsor guests on installations in accordance with the Directive Type Memorandum (DTM) 09-012 (Interim Policy Guidance for DoD Physical Access Control).

The Trusted Traveler Program is a procedure that allows for uniformed service members and dependents (18 and over), DoD employees, and retired uniformed service members and spouses to vouch for occupants inside the vehicle, provided they possess a valid DoD identification card. U.S. government contractors are not eligible to participate in the Trusted Traveler program.

Trusted Travelers are DoD ID card holders, authorized in accordance with the DTM, and must continuously escort their guests while on an installation since their guests have not been properly vetted for unescorted installation access. All personnel authorized to act in a Trusted Traveler capacity are responsible for the actions of their sponsored guests and must ensure they adhere to the Trusted Traveler Program requirements.

Trusted Travelers may be subject to administrative or punitive action for violating this policy in the event their guests are found anywhere on the installation without their sponsor. Guests found without their respective sponsor are subject to administrative action or criminal prosecution and will be escorted off the installation. In addition, installation commanders may revoke an individual’s privilege to escort guests under the Trusted Traveler Program and debar guests from the installation.

Common Trusted Traveler violations include dropping off a guest, including unvetted contractors, at a location on base without their sponsor e.g. Marine Corps Exchange, MCCS facilities, restaurants, or contractor work sites. It is also against the Trusted Travel Program to escort a former Marine or anyone else who is debarred from any military installation (Persona non Grata, or PNG) onto the installation.