
Base Access



Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune has implemented the Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) to facilitate a secure and efficient means of accessing the installation. DBIDS ensures the protection of active duty personnel, family members and civilian employees while allowing controlled access to authorized patrons, contractors, vendors and sponsored visitors.

DoD ID card holders will automatically be enrolled in DBIDS after their first ID scan upon entering Camp Lejeune. DoD ID card holders may also sponsor visitors as outlined in the link below.

All unescorted visitors are required to obtain a DBIDS card or temporary paper pass at the Camp Lejeune Visitor Center or the Contractor Vetting Office in order to gain authorized access to Camp Lejeune. Unescorted visitors must be sponsored or on official business. Visitors will have their identity validated and be issued an appropriate DBIDS credential at no cost. Visitors must obtain a DBIDS credential at the Camp Lejeune Visitor Center (Bldg. TT-13). Contractors and vendors on official business must obtain a DBIDS credential at the Contractor Vetting Office (Bldg. 818).


Advancements in installation security access control systems and procedures, and the implementation of the REAL ID Act, will result in the termination of the DoD Civilian Retiree ID Card. Previously issued cards will remain valid through Aug. 31, 2023.

This message applies to DoD Civilian Retiree ID Cards ONLY and does not apply to any other current approved acceptable credential. Refer to MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJO 5530.25B and MCAS New River ASO 5530.2D for additional information on access procedures for CAC, dependent IDs, and other approved forms of acceptable identification for installation access.

The termination of DoD Civilian Retiree ID Cards does not impact any DoD civilian retiree benefits or privileges, authorized by the installation commander. DoD Civilian Retirees may request access to the installation by presenting the installation Visitor Center a REAL-ID Compliant ID or Driver License and a Standard Form-50 (SF-50) or MCCS Standard Form-500 (SF-500) indicating retirement status, Notification of Personnel Action, or other official DoD agency retirement document. Retirement documents may be obtained from the local Human Resources Office. Upon enrollment at an installation, DoD civilian retirees need only their REAL ID-compliant driver license for future return visits to the installation.

Please note that Non-REAL ID compliant driver’s licenses or identification cards are no longer authorized for use to access Marine Corps Installations WITHOUT ADDITIONAL PROOF OF IDENTITY. An example of identity source documentation includes a U.S. passport, or the combination of an original or certified true copy of a birth certificate bearing a raised seal, social security card, and non-REAL ID compliant driver’s license or State issued identification card – all three documents must bear the same name. These additional documents and the SF-50 or SF-500 will be required to gain access to installations.

Additional information regarding REAL-ID is available via Department of Homeland Security (DHS) at

For information on this policy, please visit:



Guidance for access to Marine Corps Installations East - Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (MCIEAST-MCB Camp Lejeune) regarding the recent release of MARADMIN 108/23 requiring REAL-ID compliant identification for access to Marine Corps facilities.

This message applies to non-REAL ID driver’s license and State issued identification cards only and does not apply to any other approved acceptable credentials. Refer to MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJO 5530.25B for additional information on access procedures for CAC, dependent IDs, and other approved forms of acceptable identification for installation access.

In accordance with MARADMIN 108/23, non-REAL ID compliant driver’s licenses or identification cards are no longer authorized for use to access Marine Corps Installations WITHOUT ADDITIONAL PROOF OF IDENTITY. Effective immediately, all visitors with non-REAL ID driver’s license and State issued identification cards requesting access to MCIEAST-MCB Camp Lejeune or MCAS New River must provide an approved identity source document or combination thereof to access the installation(s).

An example of identity source documentation includes a U.S. passport, or the combination of an original or certified true copy of a birth certificate bearing a raised seal, social security card, and non-REAL ID compliant driver’s license or State issued identification card – all three documents must bear the same name. If the name on the documents is different due to marriage, divorce or legal name change, supporting documents such as a Court Order, Marriage Certificate or Divorce Decree of acceptable name change must be provided. In this case, if the individual cannot provide all three of the source documents an escort is required, or access will be denied.

Additional information regarding REAL-ID is available via Department of Homeland Security (DHS) at




​The Camp Lejeune Visitor Center is located in Bldg. TT-13 adjacent the Wilson Boulevard Gate, just off N.C. Highway 24. (see map) The visitor center processes all visitor applications except contractors and vendors. Those visitors who have not been pre-vetted can expect longer wait times at the visitor center.

The visitor center is open Monday through Friday: 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and closed on weekends and holidays.

Phone: (910) 451-7734

Additional numbers: (910) 450-0281 / 0282 / 0283 / 0284 / 0286 / 0287 / 0288




The Contractor Vetting Office is located in Bldg. 818 adjacent to the Camp Lejeune Main Gate on Holcomb Blvd, just off N.C. Highway 24. The CVO is open Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. and closed on weekends and holidays.

Appointments: 910-451-8558

Questions: 910-451-3220

Taxi Vetting: 910-449-4208


Contractors approved for access will receive either a DBIDS credential or temporary pass, depending upon the length of time they require access to the installation. A DBIDS credential is issued to individuals requiring access for 61 days or more. A temporary pass is issued to individuals requiring access for 60 days or less. Contract specifications determine the length of pass.

Contractors will report to the Contractor Vetting Office (CVO) to confirm their access requirements, undergo a background check and receive their credential/pass.

PLEASE NOTE: Individuals with active warrants may be subject to arrest on the spot.



  • Holcomb Boulevard (Main Gate) – 24/7
  • Wilson Boulevard – 24/7
  • Triangle Outpost (Hubert/Swansboro) – M-F: 5:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.; 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.; closed weekends and holidays
  • Sneads Ferry – 24/7
  • Stone Bay – 24/7
  • Camp Johnson – 24/7
  • Midway Park – 24/7
  • Piney Green – Monday through Friday: 5:30 a.m. to 1700. Open until 1800 for outbound traffic only (closed on weekends and holidays)
  • Old Midway Park Gate - Permanently closed, effective Nov. 16, 2022 at 5:00 p.m..
  • Tarawa Terrace I – Monday through Sunday: 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Tarawa Terrace II – Permanently closed
  • Butler Gate (Midway Park) – Permanently closed, effective Nov. 16, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.



For CAC ID holders with a .mil email address and for DoD ID holders (e.g. Family members and military retirees that do not possess a CAC ID)

Per Base Order 5530.25B, Government Contractors may not act as sponsors.

Click here for sponsorship information and instructions.

Click here for information on the Trusted Traveler Program.



For contractors and vendors conducting official business on Camp Lejeune

Click here for access information and instructions.

Click here for One Day Drop Off/Pick-Up instructions.



For homecomings, family days, retirements, graduations, and other official command/MCCS functions.

Click here for required forms and instructions.



For DoDEA sponsored events, including athletic competitions and games.

Click here for access information and submission instructions.



Transportation providers such as taxis, limousines, shuttles and transportation network companies (TNC) provide an important transportation service option for the installation population. Transportation providers who comply with the provisions of this web page may access the installation during FPCON Alpha and Bravo, but will restricted during FPCON Charlie and Delta.

Click here for more information on the required provisions for transportation providers.



To access the installation, veterans and caregivers authorized under the Purple Heart and Disabled Veterans Equal Access Act of 2018, will need to stop by the Camp Lejeune Visitor Center at the Wilson Gate, just off NC-24 or the MCAS New River Visitor Center at the main gate on Curtis Drive.

Click here for access information and instructions.



Frequently Asked Questions

Collapse All Expand All
Expand List item 5415Collapse List item 5415  Who is allowed on Camp Lejeune?
  • Department of Defense affiliates and/or their authorized family members who possess a Common Access Card or DoD Uniformed Services Identification and Privileges Card (USID).
  • Persons with U.S. Government issued, DBIDS-authenticated, Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credentials and a valid purpose to enter.
  • Persons on official business with a valid Camp Lejeune DBIDS credential.
  • Sponsored visitors with a valid Camp Lejeune DBIDS credential.
  • VHIC-holders and authorized caregivers.
Expand List item 5416Collapse List item 5416  Who is considered a visitor under the Base Access Policy?
  • A visitor is a person who does not possess a valid government-issued Common Access Card, Department of Defense Uniformed Service ID and Privileges Card or a U.S. Government issued, DBIDS authenticated, Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credential.
Expand List item 5417Collapse List item 5417  May I meet my guest at the gate and escort them onto Camp Lejeune?
Expand List item 5418Collapse List item 5418  How do non-affiliated persons access the base to visit trauma patients at the Naval Medical Center?
  • In cases of trauma, non-beneficiary family members will present to the Main Gate.  Sentries will contact the Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune (NMCCL), who will send an escort to the gate for them.
  • In cases of follow-up, non-affiliated patients, immediate family members or non-family member patient transport driver will present to the visitor center (Bldg. TT-13) and follow established procedures for a DBIDS temporary pass. A Care and Appointment Letter, provided by the NMCCL, is required each time a pass is requested.
Expand List item 5419Collapse List item 5419  What do I need for my vehicle to access the base?
  • All vehicles are subject to installation rules and regulations. Visitors must provide current liability insurance, current registration and proof of a valid Real ID Act compliant [or state approved extension] driver’s license.

Note: Per MARADMIN 595/18 and DoD Manual 5200.08 V3, after Oct. 1, 2020, driver licenses and identification cards marked “not valid for federal purposes”, “federal limits may apply” or any other similar language may not be accepted by DoD for the purpose of unescorted access (i.e. to obtain a Visitor Pass or DBIDS Credential).

Expand List item 5525Collapse List item 5525  What might keep a visitor from getting on base?

Visitors may be denied access to MCB Camp Lejeune if they meet one of the following disqualifying factors:

  • On a National Terrorist Watch List
  • Illegally present in the US
  • Subject of an outstanding warrant or criminal summons
  • Knowingly submitted an employment questionnaire with false or fraudulent information
  • Issued a debarment order and is currently banned from any military installation
  • A prisoner on a work-release program or currently on felony probation/parole
  • A registered sex offender
  • Membership within the previous 10 years in any organization that advocated the overthrow of the US Government or affiliated with any gang activity
  • Is pending any felony charge
  • Has been convicted of any felony within the last 10 years

Has multiple (three or more) misdemeanor criminal convictions for offenses to include, but not limited to:

  • Drug offenses
  • Offenses of violence
  • Weapons offenses including those where the weapon was used as either the means of the violence or threat of violence
  • Larceny/theft
  • Any reason the Installation Commander deems reasonable for good order and discipline
Expand List item 5526Collapse List item 5526  Who can I contact if I have more questions?

The point of contact for questions related to visitors and sponsorship is:
Visitor Center
Bldg. TT-13
(910) 451-7734, 450-0281 / 0282 / 0283 / 0284 / 0286 / 0287 / 0288


Hours: Monday through Friday from 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
The point of contact for contractors/vendors is:
Contractor Vetting Office
Bldg. 818
(910) 451-3220 / 3353 / 3478 / 3359 / 3323


Hours: Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.