PLEASE NOTE: Per MARADMIN 595/18 and DoD Manual 5200.08 V3, driver’s licenses and identification cards marked "not valid for federal purposes," "federal limits may apply," or any other similar language may not be accepted by DoD for the purpose of unescorted access (i.e. to obtain a Visitor Pass or DBIDS Credential).
- ONE-TIME DROP-OFF/PICK-UP: If you are making a one-time delivery or pick-up of goods/materials, please proceed to the Piney Green CVO satellite office, Building 979 (See Map), next to the Piney Green Gate to receive a temporary DBIDS pass and vehicle inspection. Individuals visiting base to pick up and drop off shipments can use their bill of lading to establish the purpose for requesting access but will still undergo a background check and be issued a temporary pass. An authorized sponsor is required, but does not have to be present while the pass is issued. Please refer to the attached list of accepted forms of identification and bring a completed SECNAV 5512 along with two forms of identification.
The Piney Green CVO satellite office is open Monday through Friday from 5:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Phone: (910) 450-2405
Individuals or companies wishing to vet their employees in advance should email their requests to Please follow the process on this flowchart