Special Events at Camp Lejeune Community Schools
There are three ways non-affiliated spectators can access the base to attend a school event:
Trusted Traveler Method. Spectators can access MCB Camp Lejeune in a vehicle with a Trusted Traveler without receiving a pass in accordance with DoDM 5200.08 V3. To use this method, the spectator must be escorted by authorized personnel with a valid DoD ID Card at all times while at MCB Camp Lejeune.
Pre-Vetting Method. Spectators must submit the biographical information required in the Installation Access and Registration Application. IARA has two websites: a publicly accessible site for visitors and a CAC-enabled site for sponsors. IARA’s publicly accessible site enables visitors to request sponsorship in order to access the installation. IARA’s CAC-enabled site verifies the sponsor as a Department of Defense (DoD) card holder and requires the sponsor to create special events and manage the roster of visitors. Rosters can be submitted to the visitor center via IARA for approval. Approved visitors will receive an email with instructions to complete the process.
• Public URL: https://www1.mcieast.usmc.mil/IARA/
• CAC-enabled URL: https://webapps.mcieast.usmc.mil/IARA/
Event Day Method. Visitors should report to the Camp Lejeune Visitor Center (Bldg. TT-13) to obtain a DBIDS temporary pass and have their identity proofed. They will be subject to a criminal background check (identical to when pre-registered on IARA), photographed and digitally fingerprinted. Visitors who are driving are required to produce a valid driver’s license, state registration and proof of insurance. Wait times may be lengthy for visitors who do not pre-register in the IARA. If visitors wish to expedite their same-day process they should also bring a completed SECNAV 5512 to the visitor center.
Due to the visitor center being closed on weekends and federal holidays, visitors must follow the Trusted Traveler or Pre-Vetting Method. Event Day Method is NOT available during these times.
Questions: Please email lejeunespecialevent@usmc.mil.
PLEASE NOTE: Per MARADMIN 595/18 and DoD Manual 5200.08 V3, driver's licenses and identification cards marked “not valid for federal purposes,” “federal limits may apply,” or any other similar language may not be accepted by DoD for the purpose of unescorted access after October 1, 2020 (i.e. to obtain a Visitor Pass or DBIDS Credential).