Authorized DoD ID cardholders wishing to sponsor guests on MCB Camp Lejeune are required to do the following:
Visitor Center now accepts electronic requests
- The Camp Lejeune Visitor Center now accepts requests for visitor passes electronically from a valid DoD sponsor. All requests must be submitted at least three days in advance of the date visitors will arrive. Please review the Electronic Process for Requesting Visitor Passes and follow the flowchart below for complete details and how to submit a request.

- All visitors will be required to complete the Sponsored Visitor Form (SECNAV 55121)
- NOTE: You must download the form to your device, then open the PDF and enable all features.
- If you do not submit electronically, you may bring the form to the Camp Lejeune Visitor Center (Bldg. TT-13) for processing.
- All visitors will be required to provide one form of valid identification. Please review the list of acceptable forms of identification here.
Upon arrival at Camp Lejeune, visitors are directed to report to the visitor center (Bldg. TT-13) to obtain a DBIDS credential. They will have their identity validated, be subject to a criminal history check, be photographed and digitally fingerprinted. Visitors who are driving are required to produce a valid driver’s license, state registration and proof of insurance. Wait times may be lengthy for visitors who did not submit the required documentation via the electronic process.
Per MARADMIN 595/18 and DoD Manual 5200.08 V3, driver’s licenses and identification cards marked "not valid for federal purposes," "federal limits may apply," or any other similar language may not be accepted by DoD for the purpose of unescorted access (i.e. to obtain a Visitor Pass or DBIDS Credential).