
Environmental Planning/NEPA


The Environmental Planning Program is responsible for ensuring all environmental laws are strategically considered on Camp Lejeune for any proposed actions that may impact the human environment (ex. construction, real estate transactions, planning efforts, and training events). They ensure all federal, state/local and base orders are appropriately executed to reduce any potential environmental impacts.

To begin the NEPA process, a Request for Environmental Impact Review (REIR) must be submitted via NEPA-PAMS Link:

**Note** an Auto SAAR request must first be filled out in-order to access NEPA-PAMS.

Auto SAAR Request Instructions


The Environmental Planning Program is comprised of a NEPA Coordinator, Wetlands subject matter expert, and the Program Manager.

Environmental Planning Program:

Program Manager / Wetlands 
(910) 451-4542

NEPA Coordinator
(910) 451-9454



NEPA | National Environmental Policy Act (

Wetlands | NC DEQ

Regulatory Program Frequently Asked Questions (

Orders: 5000-5999 (