Radon Mission Statement
Marine Corps Installation East-Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ) is committed to supporting the operating forces, tenant commands, military personnel, and families. The command is currently sampling indoor air quality to implement the Department of the Navy’s program to identify, mitigate, and prevent radon in Navy/Marine Corps-occupied buildings. In buildings with elevated indoor radon levels, MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ will lower the radon levels to acceptable levels.
Radon Assessment:
The Navy Radon Assessment and Mitigation Program (NAVRAMP) is the DON program to identify, mitigate, and prevent radon contamination in Navy/Marine Corps-occupied buildings. MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ is implementing the NAVRAMP on Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune and Marine Corps Air Station New River.
Public Service Announcement
If you have any questions about radon sampling or the results of the testing, please contact the Base Communication Strategy & Operations office COMMSTRAT (formerly Public Affairs) at mcieastcommstrat@usmc.mil
Key Definition
Radon: A colorless, odorless, radioactive gas formed by the decay of uranium. It exists in varying amounts in all soils, rocks, and some groundwater supplies worldwide. Under certain conditions, it can infiltrate into and concentrate to unacceptable levels in buildings.
Additional Resources
Radon Fact Sheet
Options for Radon Mitigation and Action Levels
Navy Radon Policy
US Marine Corps Radon MCO 5090.2 Vol 6
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services North Carolina Radon Program | NCDHHS