
Restoration Advisory Board Members



Thomas Richard

Laura Bader

Richard D. Mullins

Jerry M. Ensminger

Tom Mattison

Nicole Triplett

Amy Poe

Cynthia Rester

Michael Curtis

Dale Weston

Amanda Todd

Karen Sota

COL Steven Thompson USMC (Ret)

Brian Wheat

Thomas Richard

Jennifer Tufts

Randy McElveen

Bryan Beck

Dave Cleland


DoD Co-Chair

Community Co-Chair

Community Representative

Community Representative

Community Representative

Community Representative

Community Representative

Community Representative

Community Representative

Community Representative

Community Representative

Community Representative

Community Representative

Community Representative

DoD Representative

EPA Representative

NCDEQ Representative

NAVFAC Representative

NAVFAC Representative

Any inquiries regarding the membership listing may be directed to the Installation Restoration Program Manager at (910) 451-9641 or email