
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)


The Installation Restoration (IR) Program’s objective is to identify, assess and remediate hazardous waste contaminated soil and groundwater resulting from past disposal and storage operations at Camp Lejeune and the Marine Corps Air Station, New River under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) regulations.

The CERCLA Program manages a total of 30  sites, which are grouped within 22 Operable Units based on proximity or similar contamination.  The varied sites include old battery and base dumps, former Defense Reutilization and Management Office areas, pesticide storage facilities, dry cleaners, motor vehicle maintenance facilities and a creosote plant.  The types of the soil and groundwater contamination include chlorinated solvents, pesticides, Polychlorinated Biphenyls, lead and acid from batteries, unexploded ordnance, and heavy metals. 

The sites are currently in a variety of stages of remediation under the CERCLA program. Sequentially, the following stages are conducted for each site:   Initial Assessment, Site Characterization, Remedial Investigation, Feasibility Study, Active Remediation, or No Further Action.  Some of the remedial technologies that have been initiated include Soil Vapor Extraction, Pump and Treat, Air Sparging Barrier Walls, soil excavation and landfill disposal and Low Temperature Thermal  Desorption. Once a remedial technology and plan of action have been agreed upon by the State and EPA, a Record of Decision (ROD) is initiated. To date, RODs for 26 sites have been signed.

In 1999, Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, EPA Region IV, and NCDENR signed a memorandum of agreement that detailed how sites are to be closed and what actions were to be taken if any contamination was to remain on site. This agreement entitled the Land Use Control Assurance Plan set requirements for the reuse of IR sites that will ensure that human health and the environment would remain protected. Some of these controls include: restrictions on site access if soil contamination is present or restrictions on the use of contaminated groundwater.

In order to help expedite both study and remediation, an IR Partnering Team was assembled at the beginning of the program.   This team is composed of representatives from the Base, EPA Region IV, NC DENR, NAVFAC Atlantic, the environmental investigation contractor, and the remediation contractor. The team meets on a quarterly basis to discuss current and upcoming actions at the sites. With all the interested parties present for all phases of the planning process, unforeseen obstacles that may arise are identified and handled promptly and appropriately.

The IR Program is responsible for disseminating information on cleanup activities aboard Camp Lejeune. This public meeting forum is accomplished through the Restoration Advisory Board (RAB), which meets every other month.  The RAB is composed of representatives from the local community, the Base, State and Federal regulatory agencies.  The RAB allows the Base to explain the environmental remediation work ongoing and allows community members to voice their thoughts and concerns.

For more information on the CERCLA Program, please contact the program manager at (910) 451-9641.  Additional information can also be obtained from the Navy's Camp Lejeune website