
Weapons Training Battalion

Marine Corps Installations East
Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune

Weapons Training Battalion, Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina was initially activated on 1 January 1943 as the Rifle Range Detachment, Training Center, Camp Lejeune, New River, North Carolina for the purpose of providing marksmanship training to Marines preparing for combat duty during World War II.  

The first range to be constructed was “Bravo" Range, followed in order by “Alpha” Range, “Charlie” Range, and the Pistol Range.  The berm and butts were established over mounds of expended “O3" Springfield and M1 Garand brass casings.  On 4 February 1943, the Rifle Range underwent the first of several re-designations during World War II, with the organization’s name changing to Rifle Range Battalion, Training Center, Camp Lejeune.  

After successful service during World War II, the Rifle Range was temporarily deactivated on 26 August 1946, and remained inoperable until its reactivation on 1 April 1950 as the Rifle Range Detachment, Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.  The Rifle Range Detachment was re-designated as Weapons Training Battalion, Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina on 20 February 1996.

Presently, the Marines of the Weapons Training Battalion train in excess of 25,000 Marines annually on rifle and pistol marksmanship.  Weapons Training Battalion is also home for the Eastern Division Rifle and Pistol Matches, as well as the premier competition of all Marine rifle and pistol competitions, the Marine Corps Championships.

Today, marksmanship training is undergoing many significant changes that will empower the Marine Corps to successfully meet any challenge across the globe.  As always, Weapons Training Battalion is committed to providing outstanding facilities and support for marksmanship training, re-qualification, and competition shooting for the Marines of Marine Forces, Atlantic and Marines throughout the world.



Commanding Officer, Weapons Training Battalion

Lieutenant Colonel William F. Dufresne

LtCol Dufresne is a native of Alexandria, Virginia and was commissioned in August 2007. He was assigned to Combat Assault Company, 3d Marine Regiment, where he served as AAV Platoon Commander, Company Executive Officer, and Company Commander. In 2009, he deployed to 4th Marine Regiment in Okinawa,...

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Sergeant Major, Weapons Training Battalion

Sergeant Major Lucinda D. Bell

Sergeant Major Bell, Lucinda D. arrived at Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) Parris Island, South Carolina on February 2000 and graduated as a meritorious Lance Corporal from the 4th Recruit Training Battalion May 2000. Following graduation, she checked into Marine Combat Training on the May 2000...

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