
Check In Procedures

All Marine Corps personnel reporting to Headquarters & Support Battalion, Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune during normal working hours will report to the Battalion S-1, located in Building 8, 2nd Deck, off of McHugh Blvd. For personnel reporting outside of working hours, please check in with the 1st Deck of the Camp Lejeune Reception Center (CLRC), located in Building 59, Lucy Brewer Avenue to the Inbound Section of the Regional Personnel Administration Center.

The Battalion S-1 will endorse your orders, complete your Inbound Interview Module in MOL, and issue the Marine a check in sheet. After S-1, the Marine will be directed to their respective company/work section to begin completing the Battalion's check in sheet.

If you are a PCS/PCA Marine, ensure your previous Command has dropped you from their Defense Travel System Hierarchy.

Marines will have 10 business days to complete the check in process. Once completed, the check in sheet will be promptly returned to the S-1 Section.

All questions can be directed to the S-1 Shop at 910-451-3382.

Welcome Aboard!