
Headquarters and Support Battalion

The official command seal for Headquarters & Support Battalion, Marine Corps Installations East-Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune
Marine Corps Installations East
Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune


Headquarters and Support Battalion, Marine Corps Installations East-Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ) executes command and control of assigned subordinate units in order to support MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ's current and future operations.


Portrait of Colonel Brian LaPointe
Colonel Brian LaPointe
Commanding Officer, Headquarters and Support Battalion

Colonel LaPointe is a native of Westborough, Massachusetts. He attended Southern New Hampshire

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Portrait of Sergeant Major Marshall H. Gregg
Sergeant Major Marshall H. Gregg
Sergeant Major, Headquarters and Support Battalion

Sgt. Maj. Marshall H. Gregg enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in June 1998. He attended

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