Surgeon's Row is located directly west of the hospital building overlooking the New River, and consists of three identical quarters (H25, H26, H27), two garages (H41, H42) and a utility shed (H35) arranged along the semi-circular drive. The quarters are situated amidst an open grass yard approximately 50 yards east of the New River and re-forested areas to the south and north of the buildings. Each of the quarters consists of a two-story, side gabled building with a one-story side-gabled wing appended to the northern end, and a one-story shed-roofed glass-enclosed porch on the southern end. The formal entrances to the quarters face west towards the New River, although each possesses a sidewalk leading from the street to the rear, east entrance, as well as a sidewalk to the front, west entrance. The three quarters all feature raised brick foundations, asphalt shingled roofs, corbelled brick chimneys penetrating the center of the two-story ridge, yellow aluminum siding, aluminum cornices, aluminum-sheathed partial returns on the gable ends, and privacy fences shielding the northern wings from the street. The siding runs horizontally on the buildings' second stories and vertically on the first stories. The formal front entrances (west) to each house is located in the northernmost bay of the three-bay main block. Each entrance features a four-panel wood door with two upper lights flanked by fluted pilasters, and topped by a jack-arch lintel. The remaining bays on the first and second story have one-over-one aluminum sash windows with six-over-six false muntins. The western elevation of the northern wing possesses two off-center windows of the same type. The buildings' northern elevations exhibit one centrally located window in the addition's gable end and two windows, a small one-over-one aluminum sash window unit and a four-over-four sash window unit, in the second story. The second story eastern elevations display four unevenly spaced windows, also with one-over-one aluminum sash and false muntins. First story fenestration consists of a triple and two single windows of the same type. Two bays, a window, and a crossbuck wood door with nine upper lights penetrate the eastern elevation of the northern wing. The southern elevation contains two one-over-one aluminum sash windows with false muntins. The porch's doors consist of two vertical panels with nine upper lights.
The quarters each consist of four bedrooms with three bathrooms. The first floor consists of a narrow entry hall with a side stair, direct access to the kitchen straight-ahead, access to the hall to the bedroom on the left, and access to the living room off to the right. The living room is a rectangular-shaped room with a centrally located fireplace with wood mantel on the south wall as well as a built-in bookcase with four shelves and a two-shelf bottom cabinet on the south wall, and a built-in corner cabinet with three shelves enclosed by single-pane glass doors, one drawer and one shelf bottom cabinet located in the northwest corner. The dining room and sun porch can be accessed through the living room. The sun porch consists of a tile floor or carpet with a wood-slat ceiling. The dining room is a square room with a built-in corner cabinet located on the southwest corner. The cabinet consists of three shelves enclosed by six-pane glass doors and a two-shelf bottom cabinet. The kitchen can be accessed through the dining room and consists of a L-shaped room with cabinets and sink located along the south wall and stove and additional cabinets along the east wall and refrigerator on the north wall. The kitchen steps into the laundry room, a small square room with upper cabinets and provides access to the south, rear entrance. The laundry room leads into a narrow hall to the one-story east wing, which can also be accessed from the main entry hall. The hallway includes a built-in bookcase consisting of five shelves with a curved divider along the south wall. The east wing consists of a bedroom and a full bathroom. The bedroom is a large square room with two closets and the walls and doors are adorned with not-original wood paneling resembling knotted-wood siding. The second floor is accessed from the side stairs in the main entry hall. The stairs have a simple wood banister with painted wood risers and stained wood treads. The stairs open to a hallway providing access to the hall full bathroom and the remaining three bedrooms. The south bedroom is the master bedroom consisting of a large rectangular room with two closets and its own bathroom with shower. The northeast bedroom is L-shaped with a narrow entryway opening into a square room with one closet. The northwest bedroom is the smallest with a rectangular room with one closet. The attic space is accessed from the hallway to the northern bedrooms with an opening with ladder in the ceiling.