The Cultural Resources Management Program is primarily responsible for compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act, the Archaeological Resources Protection Act, and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act.
These regulations require that we inventory the historic properties under our control, evaluate them in terms of eligibility for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, and nominate those that are determined eligible for the National Register. In addition, the National Historic Preservation Act requires that we consider the effects of our actions on historic properties and provide the regulatory agencies an opportunity to comment on potential impacts.
Currently, Camp Lejeune has more than 1200 recorded archaeological sites. The sites represent more than 8,000 years of occupation and land-use at Camp Lejeune. The sites consist of material remains of prehistoric camps and villages, Native American burial sites, early European colonial sites, and later European and African-American settlement locations. Each site must be assessed for significance and evaluated for National Register of Historic Places eligibility. Over 900 of the sites have been determined ineligible for listing in the National Register, and 21 have been determined eligible for listing. Efforts are underway to evaluate the remaining sites. Continued funding for future evaluations will support the training mission and reduce impacts to training while meeting cultural resource stewardship requirements. All surveys of high-probability soils have been completed. As a result, many training areas are now considered free of archaeological constraints.
Camp Lejeune’s current inventory of the historic built environment is comprised of 198 buildings and structures in eight historic districts. Recently completed consultation with the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office resulted in a consensus agreement regarding the National Register of Historic Places eligibility of this inventory. Through the development and execution of Programmatic Agreements with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), consultation on the treatment of these historic buildings will be streamlined.
Prior to major modifications or demolition of historic buildings, Camp Lejeune must assess the potential impact of actions and consult with the SHPO and the ACHP. Impacts that are determined to be adverse to the historic architectural integrity of a building or district must be mitigated prior to implementation of the modifications. Typically, these mitigation measures would consist of photographic documentation.