JACKSONVILLE, NC, UNITED STATES -- Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) Lejeune-New River is set to open a new child development center (CDC) on Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) New River in spring of 2025. This will be the eighth CDC that MCCS Lejeune-New River operates, and the second CDC located on the air station.
The new CDC will add 82 more childcare spaces to support service members assigned to Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune and MCAS New River. Both installations have recently experienced an uptick in the demand for available seats, which led Marine Corps Installations East (MCIEAST) and MCAS New River to search for an available building to meet it. The CDC will be located in Building AS-207 on Curtis Road with renovations set to begin April 15, 2024. AS-207 was previously used as an office space by MCCS to administer quality of life programs.
Once a location was determined and funding was secured, the project quickly became a priority for MCIEAST, MCCS, and Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC).
“One of the Commandant’s top priorities is for our bases to continually serve as the bedrock of support and services to our Marines and families, which is a vital component to enabling retention,” said Brig. Gen. Adolfo Garcia Jr, commanding general, MCIEAST-MCB Camp Lejeune. “I want to thank II Marine Expeditionary Force and HQMC Manpower and Reserve Affairs leadership with the support and resources to provide much needed developmental care to our families at MCB Camp Lejeune and MCAS New River.”
Once fully renovated, the facility will offer six classrooms with restrooms for children, a dedicated lactation room, upgrades to lighting with new carpet and paint throughout the building. The new CDC will also feature a host of robust security features.
“The building will be equipped with a state-of-the-art closed circuit security system with multi-angle cameras in every classroom,” said Matthew Hayslip, supervisory security and loss prevention specialist for MCCS Lejeune-New River.
Each classroom is also designed to include developmentally appropriate, child-sized play furniture and materials that support the Early Learning Matters curriculum developed for military children.
MCCS Lejeune-New River currently provides care to over 1,700 children daily. “Accessible childcare is a growing challenge for our service members and families in Eastern North Carolina,” said Col. Garth Burnett, commanding officer, MCAS New River. “Ultimately, a shortage of base CDCs and private sector facilities outside the gates will lead to a reduction in readiness when parents must choose between coming to work or providing care for their children”
Recognizing the need for more childcare options, the air station command team looked to repurpose a current building to provide additional childcare options in the most expedient manner possible. Burnett continued “Opening this facility is a quality-of-life improvement for those service members and their families, and is the first step toward eliminating the childcare wait list for MCB Camp Lejeune and MCAS New River families.”
Department of Defense (DoD) childcare programs maintain accreditation from nationally recognized organizations, signifying their dedication to excellence in early childhood education and care. “This dedication to high standards and continuous improvement underscores the DoD’s unwavering commitment to providing the best possible care for military families,” said Rachel Nelson, family care program manager for MCCS Lejeune-New River.
Eligible families in need of childcare should submit a request through the DoD childcare system called MilitaryChildCare.com. The CDC located at AS-207 will be added to the list of available facilities near the end of 2024 or the beginning of 2025.
For more information about child development centers on MCB Camp Lejeune and MCAS New River, visit https://lejeunenewriver.usmc-mccs.org/marine-family-support/child-and-youth or contact the Resource & Referral Office at 910-450-0553.