
Telecommunications Division

The official command seal for Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune.
Marine Corps Installations East
Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune



Telecommunications Division, G-6, MCIEAST, supports Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune and Marine Corps Air Station New River.

Our interests lie in meeting the needs of the unit by providing the paths for voice and data communications.

Telecommunications Division is located in building 25 adjacent to the corner of McHugh Boulevard and Cross Street aboard Camp Lejeune.

If you are having problems with your existing telephone service, please call (910) 451-1114, and then select option 1, to report it to the trouble desk for repair.



Latest News

• The new Base Telephone Order, Management, Operation and Maintenance of the Base Telephone System, has been signed and is available for download here -> MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJO 2305.5B.

• If your unit is deploying, remember to have your phone numbers deactivated or “suspended” to prevent un-authorized use.  Contact your TCO to submit a Telephone Service Request (TSR).

• The “Let's Talk” Pamphlet is a quick reference guide to the telephone system aboard MCB Camp Lejeune.  It lists feature descriptions, how to activate these features, emergency numbers, voice mail commands and dialing instructions.

For automated attendant call (910) 451-1113. For directory assistance/information, please view the phone directory.