





Camp Lejeune News
Tag: Sgt. Scott Roush

Sgt. Scott Roush, the security chief and senior intelligence analyst for Marine Aircraft Group 26, receives an award congratulating him on his accomplishments as honor graduate of the Squadron Intelligence Training and Certification Course during a graduation ceremony on Marine Corps Air Station New River, Aug. 28, 2015. The students spent 19 training days and more than 90 class hours learning aviation-specific intelligence skills such as structured analytic techniques, comprehensive threat education, capabilities and limitation of all Marine Corps aircraft and how to support a large scale exercise. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Michelle Reif/Released.) - Sgt. Scott Roush, the security chief and senior intelligence analyst for Marine Aircraft Group 26, receives an award congratulating him on his accomplishments as honor graduate of the Squadron Intelligence Training and Certification Course during a graduation ceremony on Marine Corps Air Station New River, Aug. 28, 2015. The students spent 19 training days and more than 90 class hours learning aviation-specific intelligence skills such as structured analytic techniques, comprehensive threat education, capabilities and limitation of all Marine Corps aircraft and how to support a large scale exercise. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Michelle Reif/Released.)